“By providing trained & licensed Security Guards in parallel with transparency and communication; It is our goal to raise the bar and be the leader in customer satisfaction within the security industry.

Maximum Security is a duly licensed and insured New York State Private Investigation and Licensed Security Guard & Security Services firm serving the New York Metropolitan Area since 2002. 


Our 350+ staff is committed to providing and maintaining effective, high quality security services focused on protection of personal safety, property, premises and overall security of the clients that we serve. 



Our services include:

  • armed security guards
  • unarmed security guards
  • NEW! remote guards
  • foot patrol guards
  • vehicle patrol guards
Maximum is the total security solution provider for a gamut of industries. We serve over 40 HOA’s, luxury car dealerships, manufacturing facilities and entertainment venues with individualized services that fir their specific environment and needs.

Our security guard firm strives to deliver innovative, efficient and cost-effective services, and is dedicated to excellence through professionalism and quality customer service.

licensed security guards

The Maximum Security Guard Difference

STRONG FOUNDATION.  Maximum Security was built on a strong foundation of the owner’s extensive training in the police department with a focus on programs such as COPE (Community Oriented Policing & Enforcement). The program emphasized that officers use a proactive approach to community security and personal safety. This approach is utilized in Maximum’s consistent training programs for our guards. 


In addition, the founders also utilize additional experience with: Criminal Investigation, Auto Crime Investigations, ID Procedures, Fugitive Task Force, Incident Command Training through FEMA, Arson, Heavy Equipment Identification, Narcotics Investigation, Gang Suppression, and Counterfeit Identification and Enforcement to develop our licensed security guards.

This extensive experience has enabled us to create a dynamic, innovative security company that mirrors the high-quality community service and protection provided through the police department.


INDIVIDUALIZED APPROACH.  A key element that was missing from many security firms was the lack of a relationship between the client and the security firm’s management team. Maximum Security understands the importance of communication for both the peace of mind of the client but also to ensure that the client’s individual environment is efficiently protected with our licensed security guards.


Criminal environments change, and in many cases, this also means that the security protocol must shift as well. By working with the client closely, we have the most accurate information to ensure effective protection of assets while providing peace of mind to our clients.


INFORMED GUARDS.  Another element that sets us apart is our focus on arming our licensed security guards with the best tools to make proactive security decisions. The owners have utilized their law enforcement experience paired with a deep understanding of local criminal environments to create training programs that arm our guards with situational experience for more effective decision making. 


PROACTIVE SECURITY PROTOCOL & DECREASED COST.  The executive team at Maximum Security saw an opportunity to shift an old, reactive, watch the cameras protocol, that was just not an efficient form of security. By forming a partnership with technology companies, we armed our security guards with data to make efficient security decisions. 


The combination of monitoring technology with trained NY State licensed security guards ensures a proactive security solution with faster response time at a lower cost! 


Please contact us today to discuss your specific security guard needs. We look forward to qualifying how we can best help.

virtual concierge